The foundation was created in 2007 by a group of community leaders looking
ahead with a vision to provide individuals a way to give back to their community.
ahead with a vision to provide individuals a way to give back to their community.
Deuel County, South Dakota
Community Foundation
Sharing today, building tomorrow
The Foundation held its annual Pheasant Hunt Fundraiser on Friday, October 25, at Dakota Ridge near Altamont. There were 27 hunters who participated in the hunt and catered supper. Picture are (left to right) Bryan Lipp, Kory Kellen, Mike Borg, Jim Sundet, Scott Borg, Kevin Wipf, Jody Borg, Harry Borg, Larry Goodroad, Cory Borg, Eugene Borg, Chuck Atyeo, Wayne Knutson, Bill Goehtz, Tyler Knutson, Griffin Nielsen, David Goos, Zach Winter, Dexter Unzen, Jaxon Peterreins, Chad Kneebone, Matt Hotzler, Landon Krause, and Bob DeJong. Kneeling are Nolan Gubrud, Jared Hotzler, and Aidan Baer.
Along with the hunters, the Foundation also extends its appreciation to Jim, Linda, Ryan, Brody, and Chase Dailey for hosting; Deah Huizenga and Matt Borg for guiding; Baer Arms for donating knives for the live auction, Haas Pheasant Farm for the partridges, and to the Deuel County Farmers Union, Dennis and Craig Evenson, Deuel School District, Fritz Koppatshek, Adam Krause, Lyndon Limberg, Tim Weltzin, and Deuel County Pheasants Forever for donating hunts for youth.
Along with the hunters, the Foundation also extends its appreciation to Jim, Linda, Ryan, Brody, and Chase Dailey for hosting; Deah Huizenga and Matt Borg for guiding; Baer Arms for donating knives for the live auction, Haas Pheasant Farm for the partridges, and to the Deuel County Farmers Union, Dennis and Craig Evenson, Deuel School District, Fritz Koppatshek, Adam Krause, Lyndon Limberg, Tim Weltzin, and Deuel County Pheasants Forever for donating hunts for youth.

The Deuel County Community Foundation recently awarded a grant to the Clear Lake Museum and Historical Society for the purchase of the class composite preservation sleeves and cart. The award was presented during the class reunion event on Saturday. Many years of class composites from Clear Lake High School and Deuel High School will be stored at the Clear Lake Museum for anyone to view in the future. Available for the presentation were Becky Krause and Dayna Weltzin from the Foundation, Michelle Gross, project manager, Sandy Bendt, Museum board member, and Bryan Lipp, Foundation member. The Foundation is again accepting grant requests this summer. If you have a charitable organization that would benefit from a grant, please visit with any of the board members. There is more information on their website at

The DCCF recently awarded a grant to the Deuel High School Band for their upcoming trip to Washington DC for the Independence Day Parade.
Jacob Greene, Logan Giese, Matthew Buyert, and Hope Bjerke are representing the 60 students. Also pictured are Becky Krause and Pastor Dayna Weltzin from the DCCF Board of Directors.
The annual invite only DCCF Pheasant Hunt was held on Friday, November 30, 2023, with nearly 30 hunters participating. Thank you to the Dailey family for hosting at Dakota Ridge near Lake Alice. Proceeds from the event are added to the Community Savings Account so grants can be made to charities in Deuel County. Thanks to all who participated in the event and helping to make Deuel County a better place to live, work, play, and raise a family. A special thank you this year to those who sponsored a teenager to hunt.
2023 Tour of Tables:
The 2022 Pheasant Hunt was held on Friday, October 28 with 32 hunters donating to the Foundation's fundraiser. It was held at Dakota Ridge near Altamont. Thank you to the Dailey Family for once again hosting this event and donating the proceeds to the Foundation.
The 2022 Grant Recipients:
Gary Tree Board (Albert Bekaert); Clear Lake Summer Rec (Danay Nielsen); Gary Gives (Joni Kjelden); Deuel Area Clay Target Association (Cassy Behnke); Brandt Fire Department (Keith Konold and Andy Johnson); Deuel 4-H Leaders (Deb Lessman, Taylor Krause, Al Schoenfeld); Goodwin Cemetery (Keith Siegfried); Deuel Area Development, Inc. (Patsy Cassels and Deb Lessman); Clear Lake City Library (Emma Ruby).
Gary Tree Board (Albert Bekaert); Clear Lake Summer Rec (Danay Nielsen); Gary Gives (Joni Kjelden); Deuel Area Clay Target Association (Cassy Behnke); Brandt Fire Department (Keith Konold and Andy Johnson); Deuel 4-H Leaders (Deb Lessman, Taylor Krause, Al Schoenfeld); Goodwin Cemetery (Keith Siegfried); Deuel Area Development, Inc. (Patsy Cassels and Deb Lessman); Clear Lake City Library (Emma Ruby).
The 2022 Board of Directors: Amber Peterreins, Holly Stormo, Stephanie Mattson, Cory Borg, Becky Krause, Chad Schiernbeck, and Steve Harford.
The 2022 Tour of Tables event was held on Saturday evening, October 22. There were 29 table sponsors. Judges' Special winner was the table from the City of Brandt/Brandt Playground/Brandt Fire Department, decorated by Kayla Fieber. Thank you to all of our table sponsors.
Pictured above is the most recent grant awarded. Cory Borg, on behalf of the Board of Directors is pictured with Cassy and Adam Behnke. The Foundation awarded a grant to the newly organized
Deuel Area Clay Target team. Cassy and Adam are coaches for the youth.
Deuel Area Clay Target team. Cassy and Adam are coaches for the youth.
The Deuel County Community Foundation recently awarded a grant to the Clear Lake Summer Rec Committee for the purchase of new helmets for the baseball and softball programs. Stephanie Mattson presented the check to Danay Nielsen, Coordinator for the Summer Rec program. Ashley Meyer was also present on behalf of the Summer Rec committee, as were some of the softball players.
The Deuel County Community Foundation presented funds to Patti Ruby from the Clear Lake City Library for the Jeff Quinn Magic Show on Monday, June 6. The Magic Show served as a kick-off for the summer reading campaign at the Library. For more information on the campaign, contact the City Library.

The Deuel County Community Foundation recently awarded three $500.00 scholarships to Alyson Hagberg, Cooper Schiernbeck, and Paige Simon. Best wishes as you continue your education.
REMINDER: The Board of Directors is accepting grant applications for 2022. If you are participating in a project that could utilize funds from the Foundation, please check out the link on this website for a grant application.
The annual foundation pheasant hunt was held on a beautiful fall day, October 22, 2021. These 22 hunters are showing their harvested birds at Dakota Ridge, near Altamont, SD. Following the event, they had a prime rib dinner catered by Rob's Locker, Gary, SD. A special thank you to the Dailey family (Jim, Linda, Ryan & Brodie) for being such generous supporters by returning the proceeds back to the Foundation.