The 2018 Tour of Tables was held on Saturday, October 13, in the Clear Lake Community Center. There were 27 tables decorated for the event and 225 people attended.
"The Browns" from LeMars, Iowa, performed the entertainment providing music for all ages. Thank you to those who attended, businesses and individuals who gave monetary donations, silent auction donors and buyers and to Lisa and Rory Olerud for providing the $2,000 matching gift opportunity.
Recent Grant Recipients
Deuel Gymnastics Boosters
SART (Sexual Assault Response Team)
Clear Lake Golf Course
Deuel Youth Tackle Football
Deuel County Shooting Sports
SACH (Stewards Against Childhood Hunger)
Brandt Softball Association
Deuel School District
Deuel County Shooting Sports
Clear Lake Historical Society & Museum
2017 Tour of Tables
Past Tour of Tables